From September 6 to 8, 2024 Details is present in Arona for the Theatre City Festival.

In December 2023, Luca Petruzzelli called me on the phone to invite me to the festival with the show All in a Suitcase.
We had not met or spoken before, but the feeling immediate is like that of chatting with an old friend, with whom you share dreams, enthusiasm and passions.
So almost as a joke we start talking about Details and the possibility of bringing it to the festival in a “shortened” version.

A few months later we traveled with Pīnar to Arona for an inspection and to get to know the Festival staff…and we immediately joined the big ACT family, where in addition to a contract for “All in Suitcases” and “Details” they also offered to find us a home to move into!!!!

Arona is a beautiful town on Lake Maggiore, the water and energy of the lake
normally are more stagnant…but here everything seems to flow fast and the energy that water brings is perhaps more comparable to that of a river.
WATER will definitely be the leading theme of the Details#5 Arona project.

Arona is also a city with a great history behind it, and its walls “speak” as we says Angelo Poletti, a local history enthusiast with whom we have the good fortune to chat.
Absolutely the peeling walls of Arona are among the most interesting that so far we have ever encountered, and with Pīnar we are ecstatic as we walk the streets of the center, discovering what these “spots” have to tell us.


Unlike usual, for the realization of Details in Arona we were not fixed in Residence for 7 days, but we made timely inspections.
In hindsight. we are sorry about this choice: the fact that we do not live intensely the process of creation in the same place did not allow us to fully experience and discover the 1000 details that this City offers!

Luke-perhaps for a continuation in 2025?
We are ready.

That said, we are delighted with the work we have done, we have been inspired by what the spots communicated to us by enriching this with Angelo Poletti’s stories and legends By Francesca D’amato.
So here are stories of fishermen, fish, birds, dragons and customs.
Stories of lived life enriched with “reveries” that the mysteries of Water brings with if.

But the most incredible thing for us was the good fortune to know and be able to collaborate with Of INCREDIBLE local artists.
We entered the sound and color-filled studio of Nicola Pankoff, we saw the “archaeological findings” of John Magnoli (Fresh), the Danilo Bergaglio’s (Ilo) adorable …stupid and highly intelligent “amusements,” the great bravura and humanity of Grazio Rinelli, and we listened and read the words of Edoardo Mosiewich.

Entrusting some “local spots” to them and seeing how enthusiastically these great artists collaborated and played with us was truly a great experience that we will carry with us for a long time!

Arona is not only Water and Lake, but inside – in its heart – it quivers with artists and artisans exceptional and of a mutually supportive community.
And maybe even putting up with each other ahahahah!!!

Thank you Arona, Thank you Luca!


See the 13 simple rules to follow during urban exploration.

Dear explorers, dear explorers welcome and welcome to the Details #Arona “WATER” route created for the Arona City Theater Festival. By placing the cursor over each point you will be able to consult the rules for walking the route correctly.

Enjoy your exploration!

If you enjoyed the experience, follow us on social channels related to @details .

Don’t stop exploring, and at the end of all our going we will return to the starting point and know that place for the first time.
Four Quartets – T. S. Eliot.


Start the route from No. 1 and continue to the end.


Respect the community you are exploring, whether it is public or private property.


Before framing the Qr Code try your own interpretation of the stain.

If you are with amicihe or family members, do this exercise as a group.


Look at the stain up close and from a distance.

Change the point of view!


Scan the Qr code with your internet-connected phone or tablet and look at the drawing.
Slide the cursor over the image with your finger to view the drawing.



After looking at the design as a whole you can pinch the image to enlarge it.
Take the time to enjoy all the details.
Look without judging.


Compare the drawing with the stain again by moving the cursor up and down.
This can also be done with the enlarged image.


When you feel satisfied proceed to the next spot.
If you do not have a paper map help yourself by opening the map link found in the relevant route on the website.


Pay attention to the micro and macro stories around you.


Occasionally look up, if there are beautiful clouds pause to look at them!


Along the way you will encounter "an obstacle" -- a mistake.
Will you be able to face it and solve it?


Along the way you will encounter many other peeling walls, if you have time and desire have fun reinventing them.


Along the way try to stay focused on this activity and try not to talk about, cars, video games, shopping, food (...).



By clicking on the image the work will be opened in full screen you can view the imperfection of the wall before and after the artistic intervention.

Click on the image to view full screen before and after.

Via Cavour, 23 (Mondadori)
Child with boat - Arona
Via Cavour, 23 (Mondadori)

Child playing with boat

Boats, a typical means of transportation on Lake Maggiore.
Let’s start this Details #Arona trip just like this: let’s embark with imagination and let imagination play…like a child would.


Via Cavour, 18 - St. Anne's Church (left entrance)
Coot - Arona
Via Cavour, 18 - St. Anne's Church (left entrance)


You have undoubtedly happened to take a trip to the lake, perhaps by boat, or just standing on the shore.
One of the first things that will catch your attention, in addition to the scenery, will surely be the many birds that can be seen immersed in the water, while perched on the banks or while flying just above the lake.
Here, one of these is definitely the Coot, a very easy bird to recognize that is characterized by its completely black plumage, white beak and a white spot on its forehead, called a frontal shield.
Coots are excellent swimmers and it is not uncommon to see them fighting with each other producing splashes of water and making very loud noises.


Fossati Alley (toward Cavour Street)
The big bull
Fossati Alley (toward Cavour Street)

The Big Bull

“Look: it’s just you and me, and see what happens? Who knows if this is the last time we will be here, and a thread will tie us to the bottom of the water, and a thread to the stars. This is the great bull, and it exists only for us tonight.”
Edward Mosiewich


57 Cavour Street - (Next to Gallo Shop)
Purification - Arona
57 Cavour Street - (Next to Gallo Shop)


“Fresh water dwells in us, it is older than our homes, when it invades them there are those who feel pleasure and a strange desire. Perhaps Jesus is older than water, or he is water.”
Edward Mosiewich


59 Cavour Street Canziano Alley
The sign catcher
59 Cavour Street Canziano Alley

The sign catcher

“There are all of us between the water and the stars, and under the water we imagine a sky, beyond the stars a sea, in the stars shapes of women and men. The water that is in our walls, and in us down to the last cell, that draws shapes where for little we exist, and seeing we believe everywhere we see signs.”
Edward Mosiewich


63 Cavour Street
Man on mattress - Arona
63 Cavour Street

Man on mattress

Typical summer tourist relaxation on the lake!!!!!!


Cavour Street Corner Reina Alley
Fish - Arona
Cavour Street Corner Reina Alley


Archaeological find of which nothing is known and the period cannot even be defined. Visible on the fisherman’s shirt is the inscription “I Love….” how would you continue this sentence? Drawing made by Refreshink (John Magnoli). In the early 1990s he became passionate about the world of graffiti, maturing his first experiences on the street with fellow crew members. As time goes by, he comes to the definition of a peculiar style, out of the classical graffiti stylistic features (letters, puppets) towards more layered languages, through sprays and mixed techniques. Starting in 2000 he began to paint in abandoned places, contexts that led him to reinterpret subjects related to the natural world: in 2009 he made his first “rooster,” which was followed by other suggestive animals painted in bright colors, drippings, juxtaposed with formal elements, such as geometric figures and writing. From 2004 he began his exhibition activity, including solo and group exhibitions, national and international festivals. In 2022 the new project “iconosaik – painted mosaics” was born.


Via Cavour, 77 - (Negoz. Marforio)
Postcard - Arona
Via Cavour, 77 - (Negoz. Marforio)


“Greetings from Arona”
Think of the first person who comes to mind right now, what would you write?
Actually write a postcard to this person or simply send them a message.
DO IT!!!!


87 Cavour Street
Don't go - Arona
87 Cavour Street

Don't go

“Do not turn away, do not unravel the riddle, leave me undetermined, to live on the wave. In this moment between wave and wave, between living water and dead water, always before me, you exist, figurehead crowned with cloud.”
Edward Mosiewich


Bottelli Street, 16 - (Opposite AnticoGallo Restaurant)
Fisherman with a net - Arona
Bottelli Street, 16 - (Opposite AnticoGallo Restaurant)

Fisherman with net

Every day fishermen around the world work in the seas, lakes, and rivers to bring fish to our tables.
Sometimes with ethical methods, many times not.
Anticogallo, in Arona, means talking about an institution.
Born in 1861, the same year Italy was unified, it was initially a tavern with stabling.
It has been for over a hundred and fifty years the crossroads of commercial traffic, the place where political disputes related to local history took place, or simply a convivial gathering place.
Lean inside and ask what the catch of the day is.
DO IT!!!!!!!


Bottelli Street, 25
For all the little fish - Arona
Bottelli Street, 25

For all the little fish

A fantastic and mysterious Marine horse, born from the incredible imagination of Grazio Rinelli, local artist and author of this drawing.
The manual dexterity he inherited from his grandfather Michele, combined with the search for new forms allows him to create sculptures and other works; despite never having attended academies.
Grazio is an inventor of castles in the air, writer and illustrator of short stories.
His sculptures are on display at Ca’ de Pop and 29 Botelli Street, Arona.


Bottelli Street, 25
The legend of the magic cave - Arona
Bottelli Street, 25

The legend of the magic cave

The Cave of the Fairies Arona, Anno Domini 1896 “He was found dead, with his clothes in tatters and plenty of dirt under his nails, in the woods below the Rock of Arona. He had been wandering for days now, shouting curses at the unborn man who might have awakened what he now considered “his” fairy and searching for the spot where he had seen the cave open. He had not been able to find it, of course, because it was an enchanted cave and opened only once every hundred years to allow one lucky mortal to choose a treasure, and only one, to take away with him. There was a cowbell that would ensure the health of the beasts to which it was bound, a pouch always filled with gold coins, and a beautiful sleeping girl. The man, after thinking about it very carefully, had chosen the cowbell believing that the pouch would too easily attract people’s attention and envy and suspecting that the girl might give him trouble–maybe she is crazy, he told himself, or a witch…. He soon regretted his choice, despite the fact that at the horse farm where he worked the foals were born healthy and fast and his work was praised by the master. He could not get the image of the sleeping girl out of his mind, and especially out of his heart. She was so sweet, young … and then she had working hands, not lazy, fussy damsel hands … a witch who wanted to pass herself off as a girl would not have cared for that detail! In short she would have made a good wife and instead he had left her there!!! Damn him and his work!!! Damn his fears!!! A hundred years passed and it is said, but no one openly admits it, that in 1996 someone managed to awaken her, bringing the cowbell back to the cave. Perhaps a fairy now lives in Arona. Maybe.”
Francesca D’Amato, Stories and Legends Between the Two Lakes (Macchione Publisher)


Bottelli Street, 36
I lost the Trident - Arona
Bottelli Street, 36

I lost the Trident

Neptune lost the trident it was clutching, how will it do now?
Drawing created by local artist Grazio Rinelli.
The manual dexterity he inherited from his grandfather Michele, combined with the search for new forms, allows him to create sculptures and other works; despite never having attended academies.
Grazio is an inventor of castles in the air, writer and illustrator of short stories.
His sculptures are on display at Ca’ de Pop and 29 Botelli Street, Arona.


St. Charles Street, 39
Old Gradisca Restaurant - Arona
St. Charles Street, 39

Old Gradisca Restaurant

Cafe Gradisca, one of the liveliest cafes in the area… revisited by us in a somewhat retro version!!!


Via San Carlo, 32 - (Incontro Cooperative)
The dream of lovers - Arona
Via San Carlo, 32 - (Incontro Cooperative)

The dream of lovers

“What binds us to this scaffold? Maybe our hands are free, but we have chosen to be here, with our bellies and proud look. As always the water helps us dream, our end and beginning. We look at the stars together, maybe we are called Gianni and Elvira.”
Edward Mosiewich


St. Charles Street, 41
Ice Cream - Arona
St. Charles Street, 41

Ice Cream

Summer, sun, heat, relaxation….Gelato!!!!!


St. Charles Street, 43
Swimming - Arona
St. Charles Street, 43


It happens that while swimming in the lake we come across the many seabirds that inhabit it.


Via Pertossi Corner Via San Carlo
Theater Without Borders - Arona
Via Pertossi Corner Via San Carlo

Theater Without Borders

“Theater Without Borders” which in Martian is said to be: ^},>_¥)/’ “~<~<}#-_[~~> It is known that the Arona City Theater Festival is a SPACIAL festival… and year after year the artists flock from all parts of the world… or perhaps the galaxy!
In this drawing you can see the departure of the alien performers… but looking at the other spots on the wall to the side here you can yourself imagine… their performance.
Drawing made by ILO and CLER.
Danilo Bergaglio ” ILO ” In old age he stumbled into the art world and fell in.
He uses acrylic paints and reclaimed materials such as embroidery, textiles, wool and leather scraps to depict moments of hilarity and irony, supplementing them with written comments.
He has created a new artistic current by the name ” Out of Canvas ” to identify all those subjects that cannot fit into their assigned size.
The studio is in downtown Arona with a rocking horse and a small exhibition space named ” A Regola d’Arte “.
And present on Instagram at the address : DAN.ILO.ARTE Chiara Milano ” CLER ” Graduated in 2018 from the Liceo Artistico P.Candiani in Busto Arsizio, she enrolled at the School of Comics in Milan, where she attended the three-year course.
She currently divides her time between small collaborations in comics and illustration.


Pertossi Street, 43
Tench - Arona
Pertossi Street, 43


The tench (Tinca tinca) is a freshwater fish typical of Lake Maggiore.
It prefers muddy or vegetation-covered bottoms.
It also survives in oxygen-poor environments.
In winter it does not feed, moving the bare minimum, partially burying itself in the slime of muddy bottoms.
It is a fish with prized flesh, prey for both sport and non-sport fishermen.
The flavor is greatly influenced by the environment in which it lives.


Pertossi Street, 29
Lake Minor
Pertossi Street, 29

Lake Minor

If there is a Lake Major…will there also be a Minor Lake for the little ones?


Via Pertossi, 27
Phoenix in the bath - Arona
Via Pertossi, 27

Phoenix in the bath

The Phoenix is a mythological bird present in the folklore of various peoples; considered to be able to control fire and to be reborn from its own ashes. It is the symbol of the cycle of life, death and resurrection, which for the Egyptian religion was at the heart of spirituality and explained every natural phenomenon. Here we see a very rare moment in which the Phoenix is on holiday…


Vicolo del Forno, 4
4 October 1868 - Arona
Vicolo del Forno, 4

4 October 1868

‘Between the water and the stars there are we, who pass as the water flows, and the water has known the high valleys of the Swiss, the noise of the landslides of only rock. Now it has become human, to be with us and leave a plaque in Piazza del Popolo. The water rises and so do we, on a Jacob’s ladder’ Edward Mosiewich.


Vicolo del Forno, 10
Herring Gull - Arona
Vicolo del Forno, 10

Herring Gull

For us lovers of stains and peeling walls…this building is a true masterpiece. Beyond the drawing we made, get lost in looking at the possible 1000 images on this wall.


Vicolo del Forno, 10
Turtle - Arona
Vicolo del Forno, 10


Have you ever seen a turtle in the lake? Does man’s attitude undermine ecosystems? Yes… if you get fed up with the animals you buy you throw them into the lake….it is normal that gradually the natural ecosystem is altered.


Via Amizzone Conte
AUF - Arona
Via Amizzone Conte

AUF – Ad Usum Fabricae

‘Between the water and the stars travels our temple, the most beautiful house in Lombardy has flown on boats, has existed even so. Our safe-conduct, three letters to make life bigger’. Edward Mosiewich


Via Amizzone Conte
The Good Tourist - Arona
Via Amizzone Conte

AUF ... 2

Auf… exceptional transport, a few moments later. Perhaps they will never reach their destination. The waters of the lake are magical…


Via Amizzone Conte
The Good Tourist - Arona
Via Amizzone Conte

The Good Tourist

In a town as full of tourists as Arona…it is normal that every now and then some….MOSTRUOSI!!!! Such as the one imagined by our own Nicola Pankoff, an accomplished artist, painter and illustrator, whose works from Arona are now scattered all over the world. Many of his images are used exclusively by companies such as LINDT SPRUNGLI, CARTIERE PIGNA ,FIL MARKET. MANY PRO MANIFESTATIONS As a musician, he was one of the protagonists of the 70s – 80s rock scene. He has composed music of all kinds and in the last 10 years both sacred and secular works for large orchestras. He is a forerunner of the fabrication of sounds in analogue and digital synthesis. In the same way that he makes sounds, he produces colours of the highest quality by himself, with an unexceptionable chemistry. Nicola Pankoff is an artist of the surreal fantastic who for years has been capturing, in the widest variety of colours, visions full of enchanting fantasies in which children’s dreams are revisited.


Via Amizzone Conte | (Opposite Hammer Travel Agency)
Royal Tarot - Arona
Via Amizzone Conte | (Opposite Hammer Travel Agency)

Royal Tarot

Probable card from the Visconti – Sforza Tarot deck, dating from the 15th century. In this picture ‘The King of the Lake’ strong and melancholic card with fresh water on some days. It contains many stories.


Via Amizzone Conte
The Pearl - Arona
Via Amizzone Conte

The Pearl

One of the most striking images of Arona is certainly the magnificent view from the lakeside. This is dominated by the Rocca di Angera. The fortresses of Arona and Angera (one on the western shore, the other on the eastern shore of Lake Maggiore) were probably already, in Lombard times, elements of a single defensive system that made it possible to control the southern basin of the lake, through which much of the traffic from beyond the Alps to Milan and Pavia passed.



Below are some data characterizing the route taken in Arona.

Main Designs
Participants’ variants
Of route